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Climate and Health
- A Clinician’s Role in Climate Change Awareness, published by Simmons University School of Nursing and Health Sciences
The resource reviews the impacts of climate change on health, from respiratory implications to weather-related injury and illness.
Videos/Audio about climate change issues
- Green Ninja from San Jose State University
- Climate Change Lines of Evidence from the National Research Council
- This American Life Broadcast: Hot in my Backyard, May 2013
Readings for the professional development workshops
- Talk Science Primer by Sarah Michaels and Cathy O’Connor
- Jonathan Osborne, et al. 2010. Arguing to Learn in Science: The Role of Collaborative, Critical Discourse, Science 328, 463
- Rachel Lotan, 2006. Managing Groupwork in the Heterogeneous Classroom. In Handbook of Classroom Management, Eds C.M. Evertson and C.S. Weinstein. Chapter 19.
- G. Michael Bowen & Valerie Rodger, 2008. Debating Global Warming in Media Discussion Forums: Strategies Enacted by "Persistent Deniers" and Implications for Schooling. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 13 (1), 89-106
National and International Reports on Climate Change
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
- Video: "Climate Change: The State of the Science", International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
- Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States Report by the US Global Change Research Program
- How Corporations Have Influenced the U.S. Dialogue on Climate Science and Policy
Climate Misconceptions and Myths
Simulations and Data
- Global Carbon Budget
- Simulations from Climate Interactive
Climate Interactive creates interactive, easy-to-use, and scientifically rigorous tools that help people understand how to address the complex, interconnected challenges that affect our lives on Earth. We create powerful simulations that generate important insights for partners ranging from the U.S. State Department and the Chinese Government to global NGOs and citizen leaders. - Climate Data
Additional resources for climate change education
- Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network
- The Alliance for Climate Education provides auditorium presentations which are very engaging.
- Changing Climate: Guide for teaching climate change in Grades 3 to 8 from National Geographi